Wolves, Witches and Giants (Excerpts) 2018

Digital document with sound. Listening to ‘Wolves, Witches and Giants’ by Spike Milligan, a series of fairy tales, on a damaged vinyl record. I translated the record into a digital file using a vinyl converter. I attempted to translate what I heard into text as the record continued to be translated into digital form. The following text is from another part of the vinyl-

“Once upon a time there was an old spouse who lived on a big fram and now it was overgrown and where and how they liked short supplies the pigs into the wide world and fend for themselves and he met a man with a big bundle of straw, please can I buy a big bundle of straw so I can buiold house, here is straw to build house, he was pleased with his home, second pig stopped the mancaryying sticks could you spare me the sticks and this is to build a house very soon there was a neat little house, wondered if his brother could build a BETTER house, on the back of the car still warm from the kiln, can I have some said the third pig, man unloaded best bricks and the pig built a sturdy house, a wiiiley wolf. Hello little pig, little pig let me come in by the hair on my chinny chin chin I wont let you come in IL BLEW THE HOUSE in chlchlchlhclchl he saw it was made of sticks wondered one little pug having an afternoon nap the wolf knowkcend on the door little lpig little pug let me come in and then I will huf anf puff qan blow your house in, the wolf grabbed the squealing pig and gobbled him up cklcklckclckl not one day for this wolf hahah noo he was really greedyyy he could hardly contin himself, he though, now supper!!! Let me in!”