Bedtime Story Conservatory 82 21/06/2020

Hello everyone,

Today, I was not going to send an email, I was not going to do anything today because I was going to try and give myself a nothing day, but inevitably, it has turned into a something day. Just like the last one, this email will not be long. 

I bought this music box at Christmas from a charity shop, and ever since it has followed me around and stuck with me, I have shown it to a lot of people because I hold it dear. The music box is in the shape of a windmill, and it's propellers turn. I destroyed the propellers when I kicked the windmill accidentally, so have replaced them with a small post-it note.

download (6).png

It resonates warmth in some peculiar and beautiful way. Whenever I sit and I listen to it, it's lullaby calms me.

I have recorded the sound of the music box. I wound it all the way up and let it play in it's entirety. It plays for around 4 and a half minutes. It starts fast, wound all the way up to the top, and as it unwinds, the melody slows. I recommend listening to this with headphones.

I hope if maybe you are having trouble sleeping, as I am, then this may help. Or if you're brain is all tight, I hope that this maybe has the potential to remove the fork that's keeping all the brain-spaghetti wound up.





Lots of love, and warm wishes to you,


download (7).png

Giovanni Anselmo's Piccola Torsione (small twist), 1968


Bedtime Story Conservatory 83 22/06/2020


Bedtime Story Conservatory 81 20/06/2020