Bedtime Story Conservatory 81 20/06/2020

Good night everyone,

It is midsummer in Finland, I am currently sitting on an island west of Helsinki which you get to by walking on a lot of painful stones. 

Right now it is 01:08, iā€™m sat right next to my friend, looking out at the other islands. Throughout the evening there have been bonfires on islands in the distance, on various islands, calling out to one-another. 

Right now, there is a bonfire far on the horizon, and two fireworks just went off a long way across the Baltic sea in front of us. They are so far away, they did not make a sound.

There is a campfire nearer to us, and we can hear some laughter from over there.

A boat is silently floating across the water, and there is a single star in the sky. It is bright.

I wanted to share these things with you, and I hope that the peace I feel right now, after a rather anxious day, is once again imbued within this email.

Good night to you.

Lots of love, and warmth as always,


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Bedtime Story Conservatory 82 21/06/2020


Bedtime Story Conservatory 80 18/06/2020