Bedtime Story Conservatory 96 17/07/2020

Good afternoon everyone,

I am leaving Finland on the 1st of August, to return to my hometown back in the UK. This is why my emails to you have become spread out. My days are fairly busy at the moment, trying to experience as much as I can experience before I take off. I love doing these emails. Thank you once again. 

I was walking in the forest a few days ago, and sat down on this raised wooden platform which looked out over the bushes and trees. What looked like a blue tit was circling the platform, and eventually perched itself near me on the fence. It hopped slowly towards me, and darted across the platform from one side of the fence to the other. My back was close to the fence behind me, and the bird quickly flew to sit behind my head. I stayed still, and it silently glided half a metre to a point directly above my shoulder, and adjacent to my ear. It hovered for a few seconds, and the beating of it's wings were so fast and loud. This sound reminded me of opening the car window slightly on the motorway when I was a kid, and the noise rushing through the crack scaring me, because it sounded just like a helicopter. The bird ebbed in mid-air deciding whether or not to land on my shoulder.

It decided against it, and as fast as it came, it went away, circling the platform, before disappearing into the canopy.


Warm wishes, I love you lots,


Screenshot 2020-08-15 at 18.23.42.png

Bedtime Story Conservatory 97 24/07/2020


Bedtime Story Conservatory 95 13/07/2020