Bedtime Story Conservatory 95 13/07/2020

Good afternoon everyone,

I am sitting in a little cafe and am having a hot chocolate. I remember drinking the hot chocolate with a teaspoon when I was a kid, which is something I still do sometimes. I am also reminded of that feeling on your fingers after you have eaten chocolate, the sort of grease that collects in the grooves of your fingerprints that can't be gotten rid of. I remember being in French supermarkets and buying huge packs of Milka chocolate and eating it in our tent in the evening. 

Processed squeezy chocolate that you put on ice cream and freezes on impact, chocolate sauce that didn't really taste like chocolate, just mixing it in to an ice cream soup. Mashing chocolate against the roof of my mouth with my tongue, letting chocolate melt in my pocket and opening it up, trying to melt chocolate in the microwave and overcooking it so it turns into a scolding solid mass, making chocolate cakes for my family when I was younger, my Grandma's chocolate cake which she would make for our birthdays, which were always shaped like a big ring.


Opening credits from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory 1971:


Today's reading is Caedmon by Denise Levertov (1923-1997), an American poet from Ilford, US. Caedmon (AD 657-684) was the earliest English poet currently known, who lived in Whitby, UK, tending to animals on a farm. "He was originally ignorant of "the art of song" but learned to compose one night in the course of a dream, according to the 8th-century historian Bede. He later became a zealous monk and an accomplished and inspirational Christian poet.". In this poem, Levertov describes this moment of inspiration.



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Bedtime Story Conservatory 96 17/07/2020


Bedtime Story Conservatory 94 11/07/2020